Jenkins Medal Nominees

It’s a huge honor, and quite humbling, to be named in the company of these giants of narrative sportswriting. I feel like a minnow in a pond of trophy fish, up against winners of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Magazine Awards. Congrats to my fellow nominees, especially friends Michael Graff and Maggie Mertens! Please read their work at the links below.

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The University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Sports Communication & Media announced its 12 nominees for Best Sportswriting of the Year for the fifth iteration of the Dan Jenkins Medal for Excellence in Sportswriting. The awards are presented annually in honor of the legendary Texas sportswriter and best-selling author, who defined the sportswriter’s craft for a generation.

The Best Sportswriting award cites accomplishment for a single piece published in the previous calendar year (2020). Both awards accompany a cash prize. The winner will be announced in September.

The nominees for the 2021 Best Sportswriting category are:


Spring 2022: Teaching Feature Writing at Harvard Extension School


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